Squamish, Sep 13-15

A campout, digital detox, & conference combined

Hiking. Nature Bathing. Cold Plunging. Sauna. Bodywork. TED talks. Discussions. Workouts. Fitness games. Sports. Meditation. Dancing. Authentic relating. Peer-Led Workshops.Hosted at a hidden lake near Squamish and limited to 50 humans, our summer camp will rejuvenate you and surprise you.ps: 254 people have already signed up for tickets.

what's included

TED talks

learn the latest tools from your peers

hikes + workouts

challenge & raise your physical limits

games & play

flood your body with joy neuro-transmitters

super routine

adopt habits & commit to new behaviors


why you need summer camp

Over years of leading dozens of summer camps and thousands of sober parties, I've realized that most humans are deprived of play.Summer camp is about bringing back the physical activity and positive social contact that games and fun offer.

your camp leader

i'm jacques the party scientist

I pour my heart into this community because it enriches my life. This is why I call Vancouver home.

i'm featured in

i've worked with

are you a fit?

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